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BMW M5 Hartge (3 Фото)
m5 hartge 

m5 hartge (2)

m5 hartge (3)

 BMW в тюнинге от немецкого ателье Hartge, занимающиеся доработкой исключительно "баварцев", встречаются довольно таки редко. Количество "Бумеров" в таком тюнинге в нашей стране можно пересчитать по пальцам, а такая M5 всего одна! 
 Внешне она мало чем отличается от стандартной, только накладками на передний и задней бампера, более аэродинамичными порогами и новыми широкими дисками.
 Под капотом всё намного серъёзнее. И без того не слабый V10 на 507 сил после доработки выдаёт около 600 л.с, а разогнаться такая BMW может до 340 км/ч - не многие двухдверные суперкары могут ТАК "летать"!
 Ценник стандартным тоже не оставили - такая ракета опустошит карман владельца на немалую сумму в 130000 евро, но за такие деньги Вы получаете настоящий эксклюзивный BMW, способный "уделать" много суперкаров!
Views: 2330 | Posted By: Viper | Tags: BMW M5 Hartge in Kiev Ukraine Photo | Rating: 0.0/0
Comments: 1
Build and construct    [Материал]
Training is available through a wide range of sources. For companies that are appropriately staffed, much of the training is done in-house. Consultants are available to address more specialized educational needs, like stormwater management and environmental training. Industry associations, like the AGC, ACI and TCA, also provide training programs and guidance. In particular, QUOIN (the north and east Texas chapter of AGC) performs and coordinates training programs and helps companies develop and implement safety programs. QUOIN has led initiatives for safety training to include periodic safety stand-downs around the state and regional training marathons that provide OSHA 10-hour training to hundreds of workers at a time.
The most surprising source for safety training is - the competition. "If another general contractor is doing training that one of my guys needs, I'll get him into that class," said Sideris. "I've done the same for other companies as well. In safety there is no competitor. The work crew on another company's site today could easily be on ours next month. By elevating safety knowledge on other companies' jobsites we ultimately improve our own as well."
(03.09.2013; 13:55)

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